Dinuba High School’s campus has long been rumored to be haunted. Several stories surround the school’s campus. But are they true?
One story involves the Dinuba High School football field. As the story goes, a young woman had met with her boyfriend near the visitor side bleachers. She decided to break up with him. Blinded by anger, the boyfriend strangled the young woman, killing her in the end. The boyfriend proceeded to hide her body behind the bleachers, behind some equipment stored there. Her body wasn’t found until days later. It is said that the police were never able to find the boyfriend. The legend goes that when it’s late in the night you can see the young woman running across the field. It’s assumed that she’s still trying to escape her boyfriend.
Another story involves a janitor who allegedly worked here and who died on the job after being electrocuted here on campus. The rumors say that he’s the reason behind why students feel watched and why doors close without reason. These stories are passed down and told throughout the years.
Sandy Hébert, an alumni and former teacher of Dinuba High School is one of the teachers who claims to have experienced things while teaching at the school. Mrs. Hébert explains that she and a former colleague of hers had supervised a sleepover in her classroom with some AVID students, with the expressed intention of looking into these haunted rumors. The colleague had an app on her phone that is supposed to identify ghosts and even lets you see what they say. While in Mrs. Hébert’s classroom, they consulted the app. Mrs. Hebert states, “Well, we found this one ghost which was over by my desk and it said ‘Malleus Maleficarum’ which is a book I taught in my first-period class!” This experience was quite chilling for Mrs. Hébert. When asked if she had ever been scared of the ghosts she stated, “No, I’ve never been scared of the ghosts but repeating the stories just gives me the chills!”
There’s no proof that these stories are true. However, there’s no proof that they are not. Think about that the next time you feel watched.